shotSpeed: 80 shotMass: 0.3 # Set maximum density of any given item type to 1 every 12000 blocks. # For instance, no more than 3 items may exist in Continent (the default map). maxItemDensity: 3.46021e-04 # Set probability of for each item to appear at a tick in a block itemEnergyPackProb: 4.01323e-09 itemTankProb: 2.40292e-09 itemECMProb: 1.92426e-09 itemMineProb: 6.40779e-09 itemMissileProb: 1.92426e-09 itemCloakProb: 1.60596e-09 itemSensorProb: 1.60596e-09 itemWideangleProb: 2.70371e-09 itemRearshotProb: 2.94386e-09 itemAfterburnerProb: 2.74620e-09 itemTransporterProb: 1.60596e-09 itemLaserProb: 1.60596e-09 itemEmergencyThrustProb:1.60596e-09 itemTractorBeamProb: 2.74620e-09 itemAutoPilotProb: 1.60596e-09 itemEmergencyShieldProb:1.60596e-09 # A few items appear moving. It is fun to chase them # when they are bouncing. movingItemProb: 0.3 # We like stronger gravity gravity: 0 # No we don't # Nukes and clusters are rather heavy. allowNukes: no allowClusters: no allowModifiers: no # Set the frames per second framesPerSecond: 50 gameSpeed: 10 # Define a group of settings which make the world bouncy for players. define: SoftWalls \override: \multiline: EndSoftWalls EndSoftWalls # Define settings for private play. To activate do "-expand PrivateSettings". define: PrivateSettings \override: \multiline: EndPrivateSettings idleRun: no noQuit: no reportToMetaServer: no searchDomainForXPilot: no contactPort: 15000 serverHost: localhost EndPrivateSettings # Settings for public Internet play. To activate do "-expand PublicSettings". define: PublicSettings \override: \multiline: EndPublicSettings idleRun: yes noQuit: yes reportToMetaServer: yes EndPublicSettings # Settings for everything bouncing. To activate do "-expand BounceAll". define: BounceAll \override: \multiline: EndBounceAll allowPlayerBounces: yes shotsWallBounce: yes ballsWallBounce: yes minesWallBounce: yes itemsWallBounce: yes missilesWallBounce: no sparksWallBounce: yes debrisWallBounce: yes asteroidsWallBounce: yes maxObjectWallBounceSpeed: 180 maxShieldedWallBounceSpeed: 180 maxUnshieldedWallBounceSpeed: 180 maxShieldedPlayerWallBounceAngle: 180 maxUnshieldedPlayerWallBounceAngle: 180 playerWallBounceBrakeFactor: 0.95 objectWallBounceBrakeFactor: 0.98 objectWallBounceLifeFactor: 0.99 wallBounceFuelDrainMult: 1.0 wallBounceDestroyItemProb: 0.0 edgeBounce: yes EndBounceAll # For Internet games we allow remote clients to bounce softly by # expanding the SoftWalls define. expand: SoftWalls