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Re: [lugbe] Linux Demo-Day ml Anfrage

Hi Dieter

> Hallo Ives
        ^ mit Y!! 

> Ich weiss nichts über den Linux Demo-Day.
> Was ist das für eine Veranstaltung?
> Mit bestem Gruss
> Dieter Gugerli

Der Linux Demo Day ist ein Tag im September dieses Jahres in der jede
LUG der Welt (insofern sie mitmacht) Linux in der Öffentlichkeit

Nähere Angaben:

The purpose of the Linux Demo Day project is to provide a concurrent
worldwide demonstration of the Linux Operation System to the "average"
consumer who may only have heard of Linux but has never seen it, and to
those that are not even aware that there is an alternative to running a
Microsoft operating system. What this translates to is LUGs throughout
the world setting up demonstrations of Linux at shopping malls, schools,
places of work, or wherever they feel would be appropriate for their
LUG. In addition to just demonstrating Linux, the LUGs will also handout
pamphlets that point visitors towards more information about Linux. 

und nun gute nach..